Thursday, December 6, 2012


The world must have a single currency for all countries of the planet earth without exception use, if not the human being will never realize her dreams.all religions of the world must have an association or a community, see Council or even a concrete union for peace and salvation of the peoples religions planete.cette Association will aim to work together as members of the same family for peace in this world.Policy mensoges, injustice, domination, destructive weapons and policy division of any such group, the policy of supporting anti democrats, and the policy of giving value to natural resources of others by strength instead of giving value A Human Being as a member of one family must vanish emergency our planet, because our world is in the process of merging.In addition you Leaders of countries around the world, you must know how the evils that will arise their people, and those you do today plustard fall on the heads of your family members or maybe even to you, then to God or the law of nature in the first place instead of continuing destroy your A similar Because money and Because of the interests of your business and your industry. aware that everyone is dying to go necessarily justify his mistakes lucifer before Dieu.Meme be justified before God one day for his actions.enough is enough! the world has become a more urgent cases even a danger but nobody talks about it, you are in the process of you occupy At other things such as vangeances the dictatorships in countries that do not even belong to you, and continue to be filled with poison, from pollution and wars everywhere in those that you see in front of you being weak the strong powerful in the world!The use of weapons, warplanes, artillery shells and explosives that cause the rates of many DISPLACED with refugees and illegal immigration must be totally finefinally change everything just system dialogues between members of a single family landed, if not disease, famine, death, injustice, unemployment, bad governance, violence will continue to make us suffer Due vous.Qui Are you in the right ? the creatures of God or Lucifer? Listen voullons us peace and harmony.Today science and technology are categorically corrupt A 89% due to your illegal profits to the point of torment and disturb the peace and harmony that God was the creator give all enfants.pourquoi A?The world will still create the organization of religions, races and families together with one government, I say one government for all countries of the whole earth planete renewable every 12 months. Dangers to better solve that happen to us.No country, no individual is more powerful or vallable than others, and no one is more powerful than God Createur.Aucune religion is good that autres.D elsewhere are all organizations and associations of humans for God was not something that never works according to his divine will VOLONTE.La is total peace as to transform this planet to heaven that our first parents fail failure to realize.If we change our behavior not, we will all disappear by the wrath of God and this planet will no only surviving dinosaurs just as a sudden change in temperature that we are currently disrupting daily.Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Moses, Buddha and other prophets even spirtuels Masters are not enemies but why in heaven here on earth, we live as enemies? with division

Sunday, January 8, 2012

L'Annee 2012 sera une periode de grincements de dents,confions nous A Dieu et Jesus Christ .

L'Annee 2012 qui vient de commencer sera une annee tres compliquee et amere mais par la priere et la foi nous serons survivants.

Posted by Roger kitemoko - Mambwene on January 8, 2012 at 5:50 PM

cette annee actuelle est pire pour le climat d'abord et pour tant de choses.c'est l'annee dont la chaleur sera de plus en plus elevee pendant sa saison bien sure mais le froid aussi cette annee sera meurtrier pendant sa saison car les gents qui cherchent A connaitre toutes ces verites qu'ils se donne dans des y aura les desordres depuis des activites nucleaire de l'Iran qui est inacceptable aux autres etats et aussi les crises politiques par ci par la.les problemes socio economique seront frequents cette Annee et tous les hommes comme les femmes parleront de la crise financiaire .nos gouvernements en Afrique,en Europe et partout seront sujets de critique .les conflicts ethniques,de crises politique et les assassinats et meurtre des hommes politique et les coups d'etats en Afrique,les arrestations des hommes politique en Europe.les innondations,tornades,tremblement de la terre et seismes en repetition partout et surtout en europe cette fois ci et en Asie et quelques en Australie et aux Etats unis presque d'habtude,Madagascar et dans une partie de l'Afrique .les maladies,la diminution de la biodiversite dans la famine partout .la penurie et la disparution du cuivre,nickel,petrole comme carburant .la polution de l'environment ,l'efondrement de glace dans le pool nord et d'autres parties de la planete.beaucoups des appareils,satellites,que les blancs ont installer dans l'espace de voute vont commencer A tomber morceau par morceau et ces choses provoqueront les degats imprevus sur la terre.les crashs des avions suite de vents violents et les mauvais fumee de certains pays europeens obligeront beaucoups des avions de se crouer au sol .ces sont des evenements qui se produisent souvent apres deux milles annees et imaginons que il y a deja 12 annees depuis nous sommes dans les annees 2000 ,et en plus le developement de la science materielle et de la technologie ne cesse d'aller en avant sans toute fois songer A l'avenir de la nature que nous sommes et autre chose encore les 50 annees des independances de nos chers pays Africains nous ont reveler un changement de structure politique occidentale trop nuisible aux africains.nous sommes une bonne partie de la nature et nous devons toujours etre victimes en tant que l'etre humain et pourquoi pas les animaux,les arbres,plantes et l'air ? 2012 de cimettieres seront remplies.un bon conseil gratuit il faut maintenant tourner nos yeux constament vers le bon Dieu Createur qui seul a le pouvoir de nous sauver par Jesus Christ son fils qui voit les degres de coeurs des etres humains. si je vous dis que c'est une prophecie vous direz que je suis prophete ? si je vous dis que c'est une vision ,vous me reconnaitrez comme un voyant ? et si par exemple je vous dis que les esprits superieures divins qui travaillent avec Dieu Createur lui meme les a choisi pour notre salut ,est ce que vous allez me croire ? alors restons arbitres et voyons comment la scene passera cette annee 2012.ceux qui sont interessants peuvent me contacter par mon adresse electronique( ou par telephone 0014164130240

BERGER Roger Kitemoko.journaliste et Grand homme de Dieu.


Roger Kitemoko - Mambwene

Background/Summary of Qualifications

I would like to be in service of your organization as soon as possible and to work with you to support your exercises and your mandate mission .I am bilingual professional journalist ,reporter ,a communicator,announcer,specialist in photo journalism .I was a talented radio television presenter,editor and reporter from Democratic Republic of Congo with (RTNC) Radio Tv National of Congo including la Perche newspaper where i was also General Secretary and the first accountant officer. Sometimes with Radio Television Kintuadi (RTK)through airtime the reason one i have created my own international non governmental organization ” canal DX virtuel” in which i am publisher as journalist and director of the programmes . Extensive education and training in the journalism and financial management field with proficiency in detail and accuracy. Utilized Excel and other in house accounting software. Reliable and responsible, work well independently and on a team . My communication in British English and French with Swahili ,lingala and kikongo by spoken and written is very thoroughly experienced.

Personal information

Name,Roger kitemoko –Mambwene,45 old years ,maried officially with Blandine Eziki. i am responsible of the big family with seven children. Native of Drcongo ,born inside Kinshasa on Monday 31 July, 1967.I am living abroad with my family since April 2005 because of my reaserchs as historian - archeologist and i am very known to the media foundation for west Africa , reporters without border ,Canada journalists association ,United Nations for information with Human right advocacy centre and so many press agencies and international associations,as international professional journalist,historian and searcher,writer,cineast and politologist .I can work as Head of Administration,Representative , Minister or Chief Executive Officer in any Organisation international or national even in the government of my home country.from now i am exercising the social humanitarian as volunteer and international relations with the journalism in the technology and communication duties of canal DX virtuel. i am also a powerful Evangelist man of God in mission to direct people to the kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ from 31 July 1989.

Employment History

RTNC/RTK Reporter professional journalist & stock broker,marketing and adverstiser officer from technical director Lowota Mpokikonda 's time unto 2000 after this time i have been choosed by General inspector of the national congolese police ( general Josue Celestin Kifwa) to be an adviser and counsillor(aumonier) of policemen inside his office to make strength in the Security of our country Drcongo.

La perche newspaper, vice director and editor, writer and reporter & financial and accountant adviser 2000 -2005

Canal DX virtuel Director of the programmes, photo reporter and treasurer 2003-2005.


First of all i was roman catholic monk but i stop because i got mariage and i have changed another direction according to the mission the Lord Jesus Christ given to me from 18 years ego i become an EVANGELIST maried and spirtual healer by the power of the Holy Ghost by Jesus Christ. diploma of journalism multimedia from Northern Ireland Queen University UK. Testimonial in intermediate level English and computer studies from Academy of languages(former Elpc) of Accra. Training in career workshop,and in self-employment with computer studies from Usa LRC from Ghana.Bachelor in (Economics) business administration from ISTC of Ndjili in Kinshasa / Drcongo.HND in journalism ,Radio television presentation,and photocamera studies, from la voix du Zaire (sevoza) –Zaire in 1990


Finding out ,publishing, Reading,tourism and voluntarism including researchs about humanitarian social issues and listening to the world news with debates.and i am very interested to be always friends of the winner politicians but not the loser politicians.