Kimbanguistes et les africains ainsi que Toute la RDCONGO Celebrent aussi le Mois de L'inventeur de l'ecriture negro africaine le Mandombe " DAVID WABELADIO PAYI " QUI ETAIT MORT AVRIL 2013.
Hello, I turn(shoot) to every needy private individuals to announce them that I grant loans of money(silvers) from 500 € to 9100.000€ to every people capable of paying off him(it) with a 2 % interest rate the year and the going term of redemption from 1 to 20 years, according to the wanted amount. I make him(it) in the following domains:-real estate Ready Financial Loan Ready for the automobile Ready investment Debt of consolidation Repurchase of personal Ready credit You are in the records if you are really needy, please write me to have more information and details by e-mail:
Hello, I turn(shoot) to every needy private individuals to announce them that I grant loans of money(silvers) from 500 € to 9100.000€ to every people capable of paying off him(it) with a 2 % interest rate the year and the going term of redemption from 1 to 20 years, according to the wanted amount. I make him(it) in the following domains:-real estate Ready Financial Loan Ready for the automobile Ready investment Debt of consolidation Repurchase of personal Ready credit You are in the records if you are really needy, please write me to have more information and details by e-mail:
Hello, I turn(shoot) to every needy private individuals to announce them that I grant loans of money(silvers) from 500 € to 9100.000€ to every people capable of paying off him(it) with a 2 % interest rate the year and the going term of redemption from 1 to 20 years, according to the wanted amount. I make him(it) in the following domains:-real estate Ready Financial Loan Ready for the automobile Ready investment Debt of consolidation Repurchase of personal Ready credit You are in the records if you are really needy, please write me to have more information and details by e-mail:
Hello, I turn(shoot) to every needy private individuals to announce them that I grant loans of money(silvers) from 500 € to 9100.000€ to every people capable of paying off him(it) with a 2 % interest rate the year and the going term of redemption from 1 to 20 years, according to the wanted amount. I make him(it) in the following domains:-real estate Ready Financial Loan Ready for the automobile Ready investment Debt of consolidation Repurchase of personal Ready credit You are in the records if you are really needy, please write me to have more information and details by e-mail:
canalDXvirtuel agence internationale de presse media
créé le 03 mai 2004 à kinshasa par Roger Kitemoko Mambwene,journaliste professionnel Bilingue,historien,chercheur en sociologie et aux affaires humanitaires.Cinéaste, Roger est aussi arrangeur, informaticien.Ecrivain de livres et romans ,star de la presse ecrite et audio visuelle formé depuis congo kinshasa par Kikim Kingunza avec Augustin Mayamba et in the north ireland institute of journalism and multimedia informatics, ancien de la radio télévision nationale congolaise et tants d'autres.Ex moine de notre Dame de l'assomption (eglise catholique romain,membre de Ekolo ya bondeko).Acteur ,Artiste compositeur,sportif.Ancien de l'ISTC,LE VRAI N'DJILOIS,le sage,homme de poesie.Assistant de necessiteux et l'unificateur. Metteur en scène .Professeur de langues internationales.CanalDXvirtuel est une grande boite des publicités Audio-visuelle et de mannequinat. Tel 00491742686179 et 00447950182716 appelez la direction de canal DX virtuel.Kitemoko Roger est le cerveau moteur de l'organisation non gouvernementale canalDXvirtuel ,leader des associations sans but lucratif avec 7 missions importantes en Rdcongo et partout dans le monde entier.lutte contre la violence de droits des enfants, droits de la femme,droits de l'expression.Lutte contre la mutilation sexuelle, protection des animaux,la forêt,l'environnement et les eaux.Lutte contre la pollution,l'analphabetisme et l'immigration clandestine .Pratiquer le journalisme dans une manière concrete de collecter,rassembler,verifier les faits pour mieux informer le public de la planète.Resoudre le problème de transport en RDCongo et partout.Construction de routes,ponts,maisons pour les sans abris,les deplacés avec refugiés.Assistance aux enfants, enfin le volontariat.
journaliste professionel Roger-kitemoko-mambwene.historien,ecrivain .fondateur du canal.D.X.virtuel qui consiste a collecter,rassembler,verifier et commenter des faits pour les porter à l'attention du public dans le monde entier sur tous les medias tels que la television,la radio,la presse ecrite,et emissions internationales ,le monde d'evenements-echo de la planète, parenthèse de l'histoire ,ambiance dimanche francophoneADF,ambiance samedi anglophone ASA .Ses livres sont:"le monde est un point d interrogation ?","un mauvais temps".Canal.D.X.virtuel a une mission pertinante d'organisation de la conférence internationale de journalistes et intellectuels du monde entier une fois par année ,donc le 03 mai de chaque année .ce journaliste est né en RDCongo dans la capitale kinoise le 31 juillet 1967.Grandi dans la ville kinshasa.Il est chercheur en sociologie et dans les affaires ou , sa femme blandine eziki couturière modeliste ,actrice et musicienne.Kitemoko Roger s'exprime courament en Shahili ,francais et en anlgais british.
Hello, I turn(shoot) to every needy private individuals to announce them that I grant loans of money(silvers) from 500 € to 9100.000€ to every people capable of paying off him(it) with a 2 % interest rate the year and the going term of redemption from 1 to 20 years, according to the wanted amount. I make him(it) in the following domains:-real estate Ready Financial Loan Ready for the automobile Ready investment Debt of consolidation Repurchase of personal Ready credit You are in the records if you are really needy, please write me to have more information and details by e-mail:
Thank you and soon has.
Hello, I turn(shoot) to every needy private individuals to announce them that I grant loans of money(silvers) from 500 € to 9100.000€ to every people capable of paying off him(it) with a 2 % interest rate the year and the going term of redemption from 1 to 20 years, according to the wanted amount. I make him(it) in the following domains:-real estate Ready Financial Loan Ready for the automobile Ready investment Debt of consolidation Repurchase of personal Ready credit You are in the records if you are really needy, please write me to have more information and details by e-mail:
Thank you and soon has.
Hello, I turn(shoot) to every needy private individuals to announce them that I grant loans of money(silvers) from 500 € to 9100.000€ to every people capable of paying off him(it) with a 2 % interest rate the year and the going term of redemption from 1 to 20 years, according to the wanted amount. I make him(it) in the following domains:-real estate Ready Financial Loan Ready for the automobile Ready investment Debt of consolidation Repurchase of personal Ready credit You are in the records if you are really needy, please write me to have more information and details by e-mail:
Thank you and soon has.
Hello, I turn(shoot) to every needy private individuals to announce them that I grant loans of money(silvers) from 500 € to 9100.000€ to every people capable of paying off him(it) with a 2 % interest rate the year and the going term of redemption from 1 to 20 years, according to the wanted amount. I make him(it) in the following domains:-real estate Ready Financial Loan Ready for the automobile Ready investment Debt of consolidation Repurchase of personal Ready credit You are in the records if you are really needy, please write me to have more information and details by e-mail:
Thank you and soon has.
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